OneVoice Community Choir Crawley started in January 2018, based in Crawley Baptist Church. We sing a wide range of songs and perform at charity events each year. So far, we’ve raised money for charities Step with Kyra, Antibiotic Research UK, Relate West Sussex and Sullivan’s Heroes. At Christmas for the past three years, we sang at the St. Catherine’s Hospice Tree of Light Memorial Service at K2 Leisure Centre Crawley.
Anyone is welcome to join the choir, with no singing experience or audition needed, just turn up and join in! There are also opportunities for people to sing solos with the choir every term.

During term time, OneVoice meets fortnightly on Monday evenings. We start at 7.30pm with some fun warm-ups, followed by singing a wide range of songs before finishing at 9.15pm.
To make learning the songs even easier, we have a members area where practice tracks and music can be found for you to sing along with at home. You will need a password to access this – just ask at one of our practices or get in touch with us if you need it.
We do ask for a contribution of £5 per person per term to cover the costs of photocopying music, buying folders and t-shirts, but please don’t let the money put you off coming along to try it out. We know the last couple of years have been tough on people, so we would encourage you to come along wether the £5 is affordable or not.