Upcoming Dates

We meet fortnightly on a Monday from 7:30pm until 9:15pm.

Our practice and event dates for this term are below

27 January

The practice is being held in the Rainbow Lounge
Crawley Baptist Church

10 February

The practice is being held in the Rainbow Lounge
Crawley Baptist Church

24 February

The practice is being held in the Rainbow Lounge
Crawley Baptist Church

10 March

The practice is being held at Greenfields Baptist Church
Greenfields Baptist Church

22 March

A Charity Concert will be held at Greenfields Baptist
Greenfields Baptist Church

24 March

The practice is being held in the Rainbow Lounge
Crawley Baptist Church

29 March

Crawley Sings is a festival in the Memorial Gardens
Memorial Gardens Bandstand
2pm - 4pm